View here some useful Hotkeys for modeling in Maya software
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Autodesk Maya 2019: A Comprehensive Guide, 11th Edition
Short Keys ( Autodesk Maya)
Recall the last used tool
Model displayed in smooth mode
Model displayed unsmooth
Model displayed in Wireframe mode
Shaded Mode
Texture visible in the model
Quickly go into Vertex mode
Quickly go into Edge mode
Quickly enter Face/Polygon mode
Quickly go into UVs mode
To toggle between the Attribute Editor and Channel Box
To increase the size of the Pivot
To decrease the size of the Pivot
Ctrl + D
Duplicating the objects
To select Vertices, Faces and Edges without changing modes.
(Select the object and Right-click on the viewport; the flyout is displayed and select "Multi" option from the flyout. Now you can select Vertices, Faces and Edges without going into their respective modes)
Useful Tips and Tricks for Maya 2019 Software
- When you set the camera in Maya and focus a particular area is difficult task. To do this easy way first select the model and Right Click; the flyout is displayed. Choose Vertex or Faces. Now select a few vertex or faces in that area where you want focus the camera and press F key. Now, you can freely pivot the camera around that area.
- Easy way to snap the vertex in Maya, select the model and Right-click; the flyout is displayed. Choose the vertex option. Next, select the vertex you want to snap. Now hold down the V key then middle mouse button and move to any other vertex in same model.
- Easy way to set the Pivot point to move and rotate. Select the object in the viewport and press the INSERT key; the gizmo is displayed. Now, set the gizmo and press the W key to move the object or press the R key to rotate the object.
- Easy way to work in Soft selection mode, select the model in viewport and Right-click and choose the Vertex option. Next, press B; Soft Selection mode is displayed and selection change where yellow is the strongest and it falls off to red which is the weakest. To blend and smooth out the selection, hold down the B key, then you can click the middle mouse button and gently drag right to increase the selection or left to decrease. Now, press the W key for move. This is very helpful for making terrain, mountain, and organic modelling.
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Autodesk Maya 2019: A Comprehensive Guide, 11th Edition